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Do you ever forget the milk on your way home?
Frustrating isn't it!
Why do you forget things?
We all get forgetful sometimes, (just ask my wife!).
But, have you noticed that you are forgetting more things these days.
An important client called you while you were under a house or discussing a plan with a co-worker and you forgot to call them back, when you said you would.
You've gone to Officeworks or your supplier with a mental list of seven things you need for the job and return to the job with only five of them.
Is forgetting, is costing you money?
Customers you used to do business with, are being forgotten or are drifting on to your competitor.
When was your last BAS due?
You've left it too late to order tickets for the show you promised your wife you'd take her to. You just forgot.
No, you are probably not in the early stages of dementia.
There is a problem though, isn't there.
There's no point in denying it, or putting your head in the sand.
There's a problem.
You are probably overloaded with things you are trying to get done.
Do you ever wish you didn't have to remember so much stuff?
I've been studying small business owners for 17 years and most have a hard time remembering ALL the things they have to get done. The list is never ending!
Trying to remember it all slows you down.
It saps your energy.
Would you like to know what's going on in your brain
and what you can do to fix it?
Your brain is like the RAM in your computer. It's not a hard drive.
Your brain was never designed to process more than one or two ACTIONABLE tasks at a time.
It was never designed as a mass storage facility.
The more we fill it with 'STUFF' the less room we have for creative thinking (remember how you used to be creative).
How would you like a system to free up your mind and really get everything finished?
'Getting Everything Finished
with Evernote'
All you need is your phone, some notes I forward to you, two 93 minute sessions with me (In person, or by Skype video chat) and some phone follow up calls to see how you are going.
Now if you think it's just a matter of downloading the Evernote app and you're away - you'd be wrong.
It's the system of dumping everything in your 'Stuff Box' and sorting it daily into special notebooks designed to work with the way your brain works.
It's your weekly review of everything you've shoved in each of these notebooks.
It's 'Getting Everything Finished with Evernote'
It's a short couple of session course and some follow up calls to get you going.
What's it like?
Here's an interview with a busy mum, Lisa Pappas. She and her husband run a growing plumbing business.
I asked her a few questions. Here is the interview:
Lisa, what attitude did you have to ‘typical’ ‘self help’ systems in the past (if any)? How did you try to keep a track of everything in your busy life, back then?