Business advertising ideas.
[This is a sample of our new 'Secrets of Advertising' course]
Remember the Yellow Pages rep who said "Hey, if you're not in Yellow, you're not in business".
That was true. 20 years ago.
As a lot of you know, I used to handle most of the Pink Pages (local phone book network) major clients.
They were still getting this line 5 years ago.
It's a lie.
Business advertising ideas abound these days:
Newsletters, the internet, signs, phone books, industry lists, Google, magazines, catalogs, blogs and Facebook.
All are valid.
All are good value for money.
Or are they?
Only, if you want the target market segment they are reaching.
You wouldn't advertise 'Pre-Paid Funerals' on Triple M would you (that's a Sydney rock music radio station, if you are reading from another country).
You'd spend your money in 2CH (listeners over 60 years of age)
You wouldn't market a Gay dating site in the 'Sydney's Child' newspaper.
You wouldn't market a local plumbing business (one man band) in the big Sydney Yellow Pages.
Well, If you're based in Bella Vista and want a day filled with small jobs, you don't want calls from Sylvania or Avalon (thats a long way apart, if you don't know Sydney).
Why pay for your ad to be delivered ALL OVER Sydney - you're wasting your money.
If you market to a select number of larger firms and that's all, why pay for a display ad in any phone book. You aren't going to reach any more prospects that way.
Try a personalised news-sheet. Or targeted referrals work better.
(Or better still, get in to see 8 out of 10 of those juicy bigger firms, using our 'Secrets of Getting In' programme - email me for more info about this regular source of work)
There are many classifications in a phone book, that peer group pressure, drives businesses to have a full page ad.
Think again.
Is the market they are reaching, your market?
Now about all those options.
There's too many.
Business advertising ideas in abundance will paralyse you into inaction.
You don't need any more than 5 sources of new business leads
3 that you know work, from past experience, and 2 new ones you are testing and measuring.
Make that decision - 5 only - and stick with it for 6 months before reviewing that mix. (After making your mind up, it will be easier to fend off all those telemarketers trying to sell you advertising in their pet media.)
Then you can go back to doing what you are good at.
Like now - you've finished reading this report - get back to work!
[By the way, after many years in the advertising industry, I now run the 'Secrets of Advertising' course - it's what I'm good at]
Some businesses engage me to act as their marketing consultant for a flat fee.
That way, you get to bounce each new campaign at me for a year at a time.
Funny Australian spelling.
Those of you reading this outside Australia, we have inherited a funny system of spelling (it's not even phonetic!). Please bear with us.
It may be the kangaroos - you never know!
Till next time,
© Paul Johnson 2013
Missing Piece Marketing
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On one condition:
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© Paul Johnson 2013
Missing Piece Marketing
'Maiden Dale'
23 Spurwood Rd
NSW 2774
Cell. 0407 261 900 (+61 407261900 outside Australia)
Helping boost your local work - without advertising.
Helping you get into those bigger firms, for the regular work they are dishing out